Source: DCLG
Published Friday, 27 February, 2009 - 09:28
British Member of Parliament Hazel Blears spoke to the London School of Economics, making several idiotic statements. At the conclusion of her remarks, she said this.
M.P. Blears probably won't see my comments, and surely would not welcome them. While I agree with much of what she said, I find these expressions of idiotic ignorance too egregious to let pass without condemnation.And if we are to change minds and win this debate, it will not be through restricting our engagement to a select few, but through bringing in new voices: not through concealing what we believe in, but through making our arguments confidently: and not through acquiescing with those with whom we disagree, but through being robust in our challenge to them.
Thank you for listening - I welcome your questions and comments.
Barack Obama used his Inaugural Address in February to tell the world:
"Our nation is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred."
So what is this 'far-reaching network of violence and hatred'?
It is rooted in a shifting mosaic of international groupings, with their origins in the struggle of the mujahedeen against the Soviets in Afghanistan, in the refugee camps and some madrassas on the Afghan-Pakistan border, in Algeria's political unrest of the 1980s and 1990s, and in the war in Iraq.
Islamic Jihad, with its tactics of genocide & terrorism, flows directly from Islam's canon of scripture, tradition & jurisprudence. None of the major schools of Shari'ah rejects the Jihad imperatives found in Surah Al-Anfal & At-Taubah. The congruent pattern of speech & conduct formed by Moe's recitation & sunnah is reflected in Shari'ah. Let doubters & dissenters turn first to the two surahs above named, next to Riyad us-Saliheen Book 11, Chapter 234: Obligation of Jihad and finally to Umdat as-Salik Book O, Chapter 9.
There is the obvious danger that we say 'Islamism' but people hear 'Islam' or 'Islamic', especially as the word translates poorly into other languages such as Arabic. Even in English, where the two words are distinct, many people lack the political literacy to distinguish between a political ideology dubbed by some as Islamism and Islam itself. There are plenty of people, for example the far right in this country, or Geert Wilders' outfit in Holland, who would wish to conflate the two in order to stir up race hate.
Islam is not a race, it is a war cult which has enslaved members of several races. Arabs, Asians,Blacks, and Europeans became Muslims at sword point. Many of their descendants remain Muslim out of tradition and filial piety; they have known nothing else and would be dispossessed, tortured and killed as required by Islamic law if they abandoned Islam. Moe's abominable creation is classified as a Deen, way of life, which encompasses all human activity. It conflates the spiritual & temporal. It prescribes certain duties which must be performed; Jihad: the military conquest of the world, is one of them.
A second trap is that to talk of 'Islamism' suggests there is a unified, single movement. But there is no more a unified Islamism than there is a single socialism, or a single conservatism, or a single liberalism.
While maintenance of perfect uniformity is nearly impossible, Islam has a standard, which was set by Moe in his recitation and exemplified in his sunnah for all Muslims to obey and emulate. Which schismatic group rejects and denies the Qur'an? What Allah said about Jihad, terror & genocide is law. What did he say about them? Unless you read the Qur'an,. you will have no clue. To complete the pattern which forms Shari'ah, you must know what Moe said and did about them, from his sunnah.
For example, Al-Qaeda is in conflict with the Muslim Brotherhood over fundamental questions such as the nature of the state, and the duty of the individual to fight the perceived enemies of Islam.
Does the ignorant speaker know her head from her butt? For certain she does not know that Al-Qaeda is a branch of Al-Ikhwan Al-Islamiyya. Has she read the writings of Hasan Al-Banna or Abdullah Azzam? Has she read the Charter of Hamas, which includes the Al-Ikhwan's motto? No, instead she pontificates from atop the pedestal of ignorance.
A third trap is to assume that all Islamists are terrorists. Some groups specifically oppose violence but have religious views which are very conservative and can conflict with other values we share in society.
It is not possible to be a Muslim and oppose violence & terrorism, both of which are intrinsic sacraments of Islam. Such opponents are branded hypocrites by Islam's demon and founder; accursed, to be fought and ushered into Hell along with us Kuffar. Islam is all or nothing; you can not pick and choose.
A belief in the supremacy of the Muslim people, in a divine duty to bring the world under the control of hegemonic Islam, in the establishment of a theocratic Caliphate, and in the undemocratic imposition of theocratic law on whole societies: these are the defining and common characteristics of the disparate strands of this ideology here and around the world.The items in that list flow directly from Allah's word, as recited by Moe and codified in the Qur'an; exemplified by his sunnah. They are standard Islam, not exceptional ism.
You can't ignore the facts that this ideology is rooted in a twisted reading of Islam. The academics, scholars and imams I meet to discuss these issues tell me that the message of Islam is one of peace; and the followers of Islam I meet oppose the single narrative promulgated by Al-Qaeda, and certainly oppose violence. Indeed, the vast majority are proud of their faith and their nationality, see no conflict or contradiction between being British and being Muslim, and are an integral part of the economic, cultural and social life of their neighbourhood and the country, giving the lie to the ideas of division and difference that lie at the heart of extremist ideology.Your facts are fallacies! Allah's commands are contained in clear verses whose meanings are obvious. You do not know this because you have not read 3:7; nor have you read Ibn Kathir's Tafsir of 3:7.
The message of Islam is one of peace: the peace pertaining after the violent conquest of the entire world! "Fight them until", "fight those who","strive hard and fight with your lives...""made a great slaughter", "killed and wounded many of them". Hell yes, a religion of peace indeed. The ignorant fool has not read the Qur'an. Ibn Kathir's Tafsir will make it easy for you; it presents the ayat, their translations and the hadith which exemplify them all in one compact text. Read them and understand the truth.
- The Command to strike the Enemies' Necks, tighten Their Bonds, and then free Them either by an Act of Grace or for a Ransom
- The Order to fight until there is no more Fitnah
- Allah gives Victory to the Believing Group
- Permission to fight; this is the first Ayah of Jihad
- The Order for Jihad against the Disbelievers, the Closest, then the Farthest Areas
- The Order to fight to eradicate Shirk and Kufr
- The Order to fight People of the Scriptures until They give the Jizyah
- The Order for Jihad against the Disbelievers and Hypocrites
- The Good News that Muslims will conquer the Known World, and ultimately the Entire World
- The Good News that Muslims will Dominate the People of the Book
- The Good News that Islam shall prevail
This is what Islam truly means in practice for the vast majority: a personal and spiritual faith matched by a sense of social responsibility, motivating people to do good for their neighbourhood and community.The vast majority of Muslims know little of Islam beyond what they have been told by the Imam or Mullah. One recent survey reported that only 13% of Muslims have read the Qur'an.
With groups which call for or support terrorist acts there is no room whatsoever for debate, only vociferous opposition.There is one such group: Islam. Have you read 3:151, 8:12, 8:60, 33:26-27, 59:2 and 59:13? Why not? Here is your chance, click the links and read them. Because you have not read the hadith, you did not know that Moe was a terrorist. He did not just preach it, he practiced it. Read them and curse Islam!
Bukhari Volume 1, Book 7, Number 331, Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 220
If you will make good use of the links I have provided in this post, you can access the Qur'an & tafsir and four hadith collections along with an assortment of hadith with commentary and the handbook of Islamic law. If you will not take the time and exert the effort necessary to comprehend the reality of Islam, you will surely fall prey to the liars & ignoramuses who pontificate from the pedestals of al-takeyya & ignorance. The most egregious ayat, along with relevant tafsir have been compiled with the most egregious hadith and Shari'ah, into a Windows Help File: EgregiousAyat.chm. Download it and start learning.