Hedaya 2.140 Annotated

Hedaya 2.141 Annotated

Preserve the First Amendment from Attack by the OIC!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Islam: No Right to Practice!

For more than a decade, the OIC and their allies have been demanding national & international legislation to enforce Islam's blasphemy laws on us; to squelch, silence, censor & censure their critics. In the face of a growing backlash, they changed their words this spring, but not their strategic objective.

    The OIC, Ban Ki-Moon, the HRC, EU, Secretary of State & President demand that we "respect" that which is unworthy of respect, "tolerate" the intolerable and "dialog" with it instead of exposing absolute evil.

    In the wake of the horrific & despicable bombing and shooting attack in Oslo, Islam's exposers & critics are being unjustly accused of "hate speech"., "inciting violence" & "inspiring" the lunatic who perpetrated the massacre. 

    There is only one rational way to respond to the bitter bitching & caterwauling: by throwing it back in their face with redoubled efforts to expose the rotten core of Islam.  That is the reason for  the series of blog posts culminating in this post which flatly declares that there is and can be no right to practice or propagate Islam.

    This series began with Right: Peaceful Practice of Islam, with more than three thousand words from and about Islam's canon of scripture, tradition & jurisprudence, it established the fact that the practice of Islam is not and can never be peaceful.  Islam is permanent war.  That fact should be fatal to Islam, instead, Islam is fatal to those deluded fools who ignore it. Over the last 14 centuries,  270*106  people have lost their lives to Islam.

  • Islam is inseverable: all or nothing.
  • Jihad is warfare against disbelievers.
  • Jihad continues until the last day.
  • Jihad is a "religious obligation": fard al kifaya.
  • Allah said "fight them until...:".
  • Allah said "fight those who... until...".
  • Moe said "I am commanded to fight...".
  • Allah must be obeyed.
  • Moe must be emulated.
  • Moe waged war.
  • The caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians.
  • The caliph fights all other peoples until... .
    The series continued with Islamic Right to Rape,  establishing with reference to  the Qur'an, hadith & Shari'ah, the fact that Allah sanctified and Moe exemplified enslaving & raping female captives.
  • Captive women and children are enslaved, marriages are dissolved.
  • A group of them you killed, and a group of them you took captives.
  • Moe permitted the practice of azl on captive women.
  • Moe took sex slaves from the captives for his own harem.
    The series continued with Islam: the Right to Terrorize, establishing with reference to the Qur'an & hadith, the status of terrorism as an intrinsic sacrament of Islam and its practice by Allah & Moe.
  • "I will cast terror...".
  • "Allah cast terror...".
  • "I have been made victorious with terror...".
  • "To strike terror..."
    The series continued with Islam: the Right to Plunder, establishing, with reference to the Qur;an & hadith,  the fact that the mission of Islam is mercenary and its method is martial.
  • "The spoils belong to Allah and his Messenger...".
  • "You desire the good of this world...".
  • "the keys to the treasures of the world were given to me"
  • Allah made spoils lawful for us.

    The supposed right to practice Islam is not compatible with the rights given by God, ratified by the Declaration of Independence and protected by the Bill of Rights. If there is a right to practice Islam, there can be no right to life because the duty to kill & conquer is established by Moe's recitation & sunnah. Jihad is not only a "religious obligation" it is their "original religion", the abandonment of which subjects them to Allah's curse of disgrace.

    The supposed right to practice Islam is not compatible with the right to personal security because Muslims are entitled to enslave and sexually exploit the widows & orphans of conquered people.

    The supposed right to practice Islam is not compatible with the right to be secure in our property because Muslims are entitled to plunder our real and personal property and subject us to extortion. 

    Did I just write that there is no right to practice Islam?  God blessed right I did!  No right to practice Islam peacefully?  Islam can not be practiced peacefully.  Islam entails jihad, which is aggressive warfare against disbelievers. Muslims are threatened with Hellfire for shirking jihad and promised admission to Paradise if they participate.  Believers are defined as those who "fight in Allah's cause, killing others and being killed".  That is not peaceful and can not be pacified. 

    Dialog?  Yeah, right; lets dialog about the points outlined above. Lets sit down with some Muslims and get into the gritty details of the Noble Qur'an, Sahih Bukhari, Reliance of the Traveller, Hedaya & Tafsir Ibn Kathir.  Fat chance.

Islam: the Right to Plunder

Promotion & perpetuation of plunder are the purposes of Islam.  The mission is mercenary and the method is martial. It is difficult to comprehend this fact without sampling the Qur'an & hadith.

8:1. They ask you (O Muhammad ) about the spoils of war. Say: "The spoils are for Allâh and the Messenger." So fear Allâh and adjust all matters of difference among you, and obey Allâh and His Messenger (Muhammad ), if you are believers.

8:41. And know that whatever of war-booty that you may gain, verily one-fifth (1/5th) of it is assigned to Allâh, and to the Messenger, and to the near relatives [of the Messenger (Muhammad )], (and also) the orphans, Al-Masâkin (the poor) and the wayfarer, if you have believed in Allâh and in that which We sent down to Our slave (Muhammad ) on the Day of criterion (between right and wrong), the Day when the two forces met (the battle of Badr) - And Allâh is Able to do all things.

    If booty is accrued, the top 20% goes to Allah and Moe. How can an impotent stone idol use & enjoy spoils? Who really benefits?  Lets get right down to the brass tacks.

8:67. It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
    The highlighted clause and parenthetical  explanation taken from tafsir tell us what we need to know about Moe: his motivation is mercenary,. Allah wants genocide, Moe wanted loot. What a sweet couple, lets follow them to Hell.

    The fatal fact is confirmed by one hadith which  M. Muhsin Khan bowdlerized but Aisha Bewley did not.

    How did Moe derive his income?  What happened to anyone who disobeyed him?  Yeah, that's it! How did Allah enrich Moe?

Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 37, Number 495:

    Narrated Abu Huraira:

    Whenever a dead man in debt was brought to Allah's Apostle he would ask, "Has he left anything to repay his debt?" If he was informed that he had left something to repay his debts, he would offer his funeral prayer, otherwise he would tell the Muslims to offer their friend's funeral prayer. When Allah made the Prophet wealthy through conquests, he said, "I am more rightful than other believers to be the guardian of the believers, so if a Muslim dies while in debt, I am responsible for the repayment of his debt, and whoever leaves wealth (after his death) it will belong to his heirs. "

    Moe's arrogance was unbounded. He said that Allah gave him the keys to the treasures of the world. [Sahih Bukhari 4.52.220] He said that his followers would destroy the Persian & Roman empires and spend their treasures in jihad. [Sahih Bukhari 4.52.267]

    Plundering had been taboo among the Arabs. How did Moe deal with that taboo?  Being Allah's spokesman, he had Allah issue special dispensation.

Sahih Muslim Book 019, Number 4327:
The spoils of war were not made lawful for any people before us, This is because Allah saw our weakness and humility and made
lawful for us.

Allah needed an eagle eye  and an electron microscope to see Moe's humility. Sahih Bukhari's Book of Khumus begins with 4.52.324. Scroll through it to find these samples and more.
  • I got a she-camel in my share of the war booty on the day (of the battle) of Badr, and the Prophet had given me a she-camel from the Khumus.
  • Then some camels as booty were brought to Allah's Apostle and he asked for us saying. 'Where are the group of Al-Ash'ariyun?' Then he ordered that we should be given five camels with white humps.
  • They gained a great number of camels as war booty. The share of each one of them was twelve or eleven camels, and they were given an extra camel each.

  • When Allah favored His Apostle with the properties of Hawazin tribe as Fai (booty), he started giving to some Quarries men even up to one-hundred camels each,
    How is this reflected in the Qur'an?

33:27. And He caused you to inherit their lands, and their houses, and their riches, and a land which you had not trodden (before). And Allâh is Able to do all things.

48:20. Allâh has promised you abundant spoils that you will capture, and He has hastened for you this, and He has restrained the hands of men from you, that it may be a sign for the believers, and that He may guide you to a Straight Path.

48:21. And other (victories and much booty there are, He promises you) which are not yet within your power, indeed Allâh compasses them, And Allâh is Ever Able to do all things.

Islam: the Right to Terrorize

Mohammad Atta, in his final message to the Magnificent 19, directed them to shout the Takbir while slaughtering because it terrifies disbelievers.

Psychological warfare

When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.

    Moe used Takbir, Atta was emulating him.

When he entered the town, he said, 'Allahu Akbar! Khaibar is ruined. Whenever we approach near a (hostile) nation (to fight) then evil will be the morning of those who have been warned.' He repeated this thrice.[Sahih Bukhari 1.8.367]

50:40. And during a part of the night (also), glorify His praises (i.e. Maghrib and 'Isha prayers), and (so likewise) after the prayers [As-Sunnah, Nawâfil optional and additional prayers, and also glorify, praise and magnify Allâh - Subhân Allâh, Alhamdu lillâh, Allâhu-Akbar].

    What do they say when they pray? "Allahu Akbar!"  What do they say when they prey? "Allahu Akbar!" In their attacks it is a curse and instrument of terror. In their salat it is a confidence builder. Their prayers are pep rallies for terrorism. 

    The intent is to reinforce the faith of the Muslims while terrifying their intended victims; to appear courageous and invincible, rendering the victims fearful, confused and disorganized; scattering them so that they can not mount an effective defense. 

    Large rallies, demonstrations and prayer sessions with shouts of "Allahu Akbar!"are intended to afford Islam an image of mass and energy; overwhelming numbers, rapidly growing, which can not be resisted.   When Muslims prostrate themselves in the streets of large cities, they are not praying, they are preying; casting terror.

    In March of 2010, the HRC passed another hypocritical and deceptive resolution. This clause from the resolution stands out like a sore thumb.

7. Expresses deep concern, in this respect, that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism;

Who  associated Islam with terrorism?  Death & damnation to such a foul fiend!!  Guess who.
  • 3:151  We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve,...
  • 8:12   ...I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes....
  • 8:57  If thou comest on them in the war, deal with them so as to strike fear in those who are behind them, that haply they may remember.
  • 8:60  ...to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of God and your enemies,...
  • 33:26  ...God did take them down from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts. (So that) some ye slew, and some ye made prisoners....
  • 59:2  ...But Allâh's (Torment) reached them from a place whereof they expected it not, and He cast terror into their hearts, so that they destroyed their own dwellings with their own hands and the hands of the believers. Then take admonition, O you with eyes...
  • 59:13  Verily, you (believers in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism) are more awful as a fear in their (Jews of Banî An-Nadîr) breasts than Allâh....
  • Sahih Bukhari1.7.331   ...Allah made me victorious by awe, (by His frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month's journey. ...
  • Sahih Bukhari4.52.220  ...I have been made victorious with terror...
    Did I curse Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer & Pamela Geller?  Did I curse Ray Ibrahim and Walid Shoebat? Did I curse myself?  No!!   I curse those who associated Islam with terrorism: Allah and Muhammad, death & eternal damnation be upon them with all putrid & prurient substances, in the hottest fires of Hell!!!

    This is not hate speech.  This is not inciting hatred.  This is not inciting violence.  This is exposing hate speech & incitement.  

Islamic Right: to Rape

Is there a right to rape?  Only if there is a right to practice Islam. In the first post in this series on the right to practice Islam, we established the fact that aggressively attacking disbelievers is a "religious obligation" binding on Muslims as fard al-kifaya,  This post will establish the fact that taking, enslaving and raping captives is a permitted & approved practice of Islam.


Sheik Taj Aldin al Hilali, The Chief Cleric of Sydney, Australia's largest mosque, ignited a firestorm of criticism following a recent sermon in which he described women appearing publicly without head scarves as "uncovered meat."

al Hilali said, "If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside... without cover, and the cats come to eat it...whose fault is it, the cat's or the uncovered meat's?"
Read more: http://blogcritics.org/culture/article/muslim-clerics-uncovered-meat-remarks-spark/#ixzz1Tfbz6IwN

    That story should be your first clue but I have more clues for you. Lets begin with the Noble Qur'an.  Allah implicitly allows sexual exploitation of captive women.

Right hands possess

4:24. Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those (captives and slaves) whom your right hands possess. Thus has Allâh ordained for you. All others are lawful, provided you seek (them in marriage) with Mahr (bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage) from your property, desiring chastity, not committing illegal sexual intercourse, so with those of whom you have enjoyed sexual relations, give them their Mahr as prescribed; but if after a Mahr is prescribed, you agree mutually (to give more), there is no sin on you. Surely, Allâh is Ever All­Knowing, All­Wise.

    Married women are off limits unless you own them (captives and slaves). Other instances of the expression include: 4:3, 52, 36, 16:71, 23:5-6, 24:31, 30:28, 33:50, 70:29-30,  How would Muslims captivate women?  Allah has the answer for us.

33:26. And those of the people of the Scripture who backed them (the disbelievers) Allâh brought them down from their forts and cast terror into their hearts, (so that) a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them) you made captives.

Some Jews sided with the pagan Arabs upon whom Moe made war and Moe made war on them also. Who was the group he captivated?  God bless you, I want you to know and to understand. This is to inform, not to incite hatred, though hatred is well warranted. Tafsir Ibn Kathir has the answer for us.
[...](a group you killed, and a group you made captives.) Those who were killed were their warriors, and the prisoners were their children and women. Imam Ahmad recorded that `Atiyah Al-Qurazi said, "I was shown to the Prophet on the day of Qurayzah, because they were not sure about me. The Prophet told them to look at me to see whether I had grown any body hair yet. They looked and saw that I had not grown any body hair, so they let me go and I was put with the other prisoners.'' This was also recorded by the Sunan compilers, and At-Tirmidhi said it is Hasan Sahih.'' An-Nasa'i also recorded something similar from `Atiyah. [...] [http://www.tafsir.com/default.asp?sid= 33&tid= 41512]

The captives were women & children.  Note the hadith quoting Atiyah al-Qurazi: what would have been done to him if he had reached puberty?  Another hadith holds the answer, and it ain't pleasant.

Sunan  Abu Dawud Book 38, Number 4390:
Narrated Atiyyah al-Qurazi:
I was among the captives of Banu Qurayzah. They (the Companions) examined us, and those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were not killed. I was among those who had not grown hair.

Had Atiyya grown pubic hair, he would have been killed. Do you comprehend this?  What happened to their mothers and sisters??

Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459:

Narrated Ibn Muhairiz:

I entered the Mosque and saw Abu Said Al-Khudri and sat beside him and asked him about Al-Azl (i.e. coitus interruptus). Abu Said said, "We went out with Allah's Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. So when we intended to do coitus interrupt us, we said, 'How can we do coitus interruptus before asking Allah's Apostle who is present among us?" We asked (him) about it and he said, 'It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist."[See also: Sahih Muslim 8.3371, 3373, 3376 & 3377]

Moe gave implicit permission to rape captives!!!  Did Moe join in the fun?

Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 512:
Narrated Anas:
The Prophet offered the Fajr Prayer near Khaibar when it was still dark and then said, "Allahu-Akbar! Khaibar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight), then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned." Then the inhabitants of Khaibar came out running on the roads. The Prophet had their warriors killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives, She first came in the share of Dahya Alkali but later on she belonged to the Prophet . The Prophet made her manumission as her 'Mahr'. [See also: Sahih Bukhari 4.52.143]

Moe took sex slaves for himself from among the captives. He claimed the top 20%, first pick. See the secondary reference immediately above and 8:41.

    I displayed to you ayat explicitly permitting sexual exploitation of slaves. I displayed to you hadith implicitly permitting raping captives.  I displayed ample evidence that Moe joined in the fun. What more do you need to know?  Islamic law.

  • O9.13

    When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman's previous marriage is immediately annulled.

    If there is a right to practice Islam then there is a right to captivate and rape women. Enslavement & rape are sunnah; Muslims must emulate Moe.  Exactly what part of that do you not comprehend?  Exactly what part of that meets with your approval? Please explain your position in a comment. 

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Right: Peaceful Practice of Islam

Even before the horrific Oslo massacre, the UN, the Department of State, assorted preachers and media bloviators were demanding that we "respect" and "tolerate" Islam and recognize what they postulate as a "right to peacefully practice Islam".
    Since the massacre, those contumacious demands are increasing in volume and becoming more strident.  Those of us who expose, question and  criticize Islam are being accused of "hate speech" and "inciting violence".  It is asserted that we "inspired" the massacre.

    Hillary Clinton said that the best response to "hate speech" is better speech, not censorship. Of course, to that extent, she was right. But the rising tide of calumny against critics of Islam deserves a response. That is why I am commencing a series of posts on the supposed right to practice Islam.

    This blog post includes quotes from and links to the Hilali & Khan Noble Qur'an, a table of 37 parallel translations, three hadith collections and two codifications of Islamic law. Doubters & dissenters are invited to follow the links, verify the quotes and explore their contexts before responding with comments.

    You can try to shout me down, you can demand censorship, but you can not logically deny my evidence or my conclusions.

Right to Genocidal Conquest

    It is postulated that Muslims have a right to practice Islam. If so, they have a right to engage in genocidal conquest. The practice of Islam involves submission to Allah. Submission to Allah includes obedience to his imperatives. His imperatives include global conquest. Conquest includes genocide.

Obey Allah and his Messenger

    This command occurs in six ayat of the Noble Qur'an as translated by Hilali & Khan:  8:1, 2046, 9:71, 33:33 and 49:14.  I will quote only the latter instance and the verse which follows it.
  • 49:14.  The bedouins say: "We believe." Say: "You believe not but you only say, 'We have surrendered (in Islâm),' for Faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allâh and His Messenger, He will not decrease anything in reward for your deeds. Verily, Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

    49:15. Only those are the believers who have believed in Allâh and His Messenger, and afterward doubt not but strive with their wealth and their lives for the Cause of Allâh. Those! They are the truthful. 

There is something about believers: they strive with their lives in Allah's cause, which is supremacism.
  • 9:33. It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad ) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâm), to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh) hate (it).
  • 48:28. He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad ) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâm), that He may make it (Islâm) superior over all religions. And All-Sufficient is Allâh as a Witness. 
  • 61:9. He it is Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâmic Monotheism) to make it victorious over all (other) religions even though the Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh and in His Messenger Muhammed) hate (it).
Of 37 parallel translations at Islam Awakened, 18 use  prevail over. Amatul Rahman Omar uses triumph and Tahir-ul-Qadri Mohammad uses dominant.  In 61:9, M.M Pickthall uses conqueror. Rashid Khalifa and Tahir-ul-Qadri Mohammad use dominate.

    How is Islam to be made superior, triumphant, prevalent, dominant or the conqueror?  Is it by proof, by trial, by debate or by proselytism? 

  • Sahih Bukhari  Volume 4, Book 52, Number 65:

    Narrated Abu Musa:

    A man came to the Prophet and asked, "A man fights for war booty; another fights for fame and a third fights for showing off; which of them fights in Allah's Cause?" The Prophet said, "He who fights that Allah's Word (i.e. Islam) should be superior, fights in Allah's Cause." [See also 1.3.125, 9.93.550 & 9.93.625]

Islam is to be made superior by warfare. 

Global Conquest

    Muslims are commanded to wage war against disbelievers until resistance ceases and only Allah is worshiped on a global scale.
  • 8:38. Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be forgiven. But if they return (thereto), then the examples of those (punished) before them have already preceded (as a warning).

    8:39. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allâh) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allâh Alone [in the whole of the world ]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allâh), then certainly, Allâh is All-Seer of what they do.

    • Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind. [Sahih Bukhari 1.7.331]
    Muslims are commanded to wage war against Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians until they are subjugated and extorted.
  • 9:29. Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allâh, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islâm) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued
  • 9:123. O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allâh is with those who are the Al-Muttaqûn (the pious - see V.2:2).
    Those imperatives are confirmed by ahadith, of which I will quote one and link to others.
  • Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 8, Number 387:
    Narrated Anas bin Malik:
    Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.' And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally and their reckoning will be with Allah." Narrated Maimun ibn Siyah that he asked Anas bin Malik, "O Abu Hamza! What makes the life and property of a person sacred?" He replied, "Whoever says, 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah', faces our Qibla during the prayers, prays like us and eats our slaughtered animal, then he is a Muslim, and has got the same rights and obligations as other Muslims have."  [See also: 9.92.388, 4.52.196 & Sunan Abu Dawud 14.2635 ]
    Those imperatives are codified in Shari'ah. Attacking disbelievers while they are peacefully minding their own affairs in their own countries is far al-kifaya, an annual obligation binding upon all eligible  adult male Muslims until a sufficient number have participated, at which point the others are relieved.
  • Reliance of the Traveller, O9.1:

    The Obligatory Character of Jihad

    Jihad is a communal obligation (def: c3.2).  When enough people perform it to successfully accomplish it, it is no longer obligatory upon others (O: the evidence for which is the Prophet's saying (Allah bless him and give him peace),

    "He who provides the equipment for a soldier in jihad has himself performed jihad,"

    and Allah Most High having said:

    "Those of the believers who are unhurt but sit behind are not equal to those who fight in Allah's path with their property and lives. Allah has preferred those who fight with their property and lives a whole degree above those who sit behind. And to each, Allah has promised great good" (Koran 4:95).

    If none of those concerned perform jihad, and it does not happen at all, then everyone who is aware that it is obligatory is guilty of sin, if there was a possibility of having performed it. In the time of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) jihad was a communal obligation after his emigration (hijra) to Medina. As for subsequent times, there are two possible states in respect to non-Muslims.

    The first is when they are in their own countries, in which case jihad (def: o9.8) is a communal obligation, and this is what our author is speaking of when he says, "Jihad is a communal obligation," meaning upon the Muslims each year.

    The second state is when non-Muslims invade a Muslim country or near to one, in which case jihad is personally obligatory (def: c3.2) upon the inhabitants of that country, who must repel the non-Muslims with whatever they can).

    What does the caliph do about  that annual obligation of military expeditions against disbelievers? He wages war. He fights people of the book until they are converted or subjugated and pagans until they are converted or dead. 

    O9.8: The Objectives of Jihad

    The caliph (o25) makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians (N: provided he has first invited them to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Muslim poll tax (jizya, def: o11.4) -which is the significance of their paying it, not the money itself-while remaining in their ancestral religions) (O: and the war continues) until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax (O: in accordance with the word of Allah Most High,

    "Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and who forbid not what Allah and His messenger have forbidden-who do not practice the religion of truth, being of those who have been given the Book-until they pay the poll tax out of hand and are humbled" (Koran 9.29),

    the time and place for which is before the final descent of Jesus (upon whom be peace).  After his final coming, nothing but Islam will be accepted from them, for taking the poll tax is only effective until Jesus' descent (upon him and our Prophet be peace), which is the divinely revealed law of Muhammad. The coming of Jesus does not entail a separate divinely revealed law, for he will rule by the law of Muhammad. As for the Prophet's saying (Allah bless him and give him peace),

    "I am the last, there will be no prophet after me,"

    this does not contradict the final coming of Jesus (upon whom be peace), since he will not rule according to the Evangel, but as a follower of our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) ).


    The caliph fights all other peoples until they become Muslim (O: because they are not a people with a Book, nor honored as such, and are not permitted to settle with paying the poll tax (jizya) ) (n: though according to the Hanafi school, peoples of all other religions, even idol worshippers, are permitted to live under the protection of the Islamic state if they either become Muslim or agree to pay the poll tax, the sole exceptions to which are apostates from Islam and idol worshippers who are Arabs, neither of whom has any choice but becoming Muslim (al-Hidaya sharh Bidaya al-mubtadi' (y21), 6.48-49) ).


Islam only fights defensively

    One might believe that lie if one read only Surah Al-Baqara  2:190-191.
  • 2:190. And fight in the Way of Allâh those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allâh likes not the transgressors. [This Verse is the first one that was revealed in connection with Jihâd, but it was supplemented by another (V.9:36)].

    2:191. And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And fight not with them at Al-Masjid-al-Harâm (the sanctuary at Makkah), unless they (first) fight you there. But if they attack you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.

To fully realize the fallacy of the lie one must read Sahih Muslim 19.4294. Since it is lengthy, I will quote only the most relevant paragraphs.
  • When you meet your enemies who are polytheists invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them.
  • Then invite them to migrate from their lands to the land of Muhairs and inform them that, if they do so, they shall have all the privileges and obligations of the Muhajirs. If they refuse to migrate, tell them that they will have the status of Bedouin Muilims and will be subjected to the Commands of Allah like other Muslims, but they will not get any share from the spoils of war or Fai' except when they actually fight with the Muslims (against the disbelievers).
  • If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them

Not aggressors

    Hedaya, the handbook of Hanifi fiqh, makes the initiative absolutely explicit. This quote comes from Volume II, Book IX, Chapter 1, Page 141.
  • The destruction of the sword  is incurred by infidels, although they be not the first aggressors, as appears from various passages in the  sacred writings which are generally received this effect. 
Disbelievers are to be attacked, after inviting them to Islam, while they are in their own countries, although they are not aggressors. Is it clear for you yet?


    Moe wanted loot; Allah wanted to get Moe into Paradise. What was his price of admission?
  • 8:67. It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war (and free them with ransom) until he had made a great slaughter (among his enemies) in the land. You desire the good of this world (i.e. the money of ransom for freeing the captives), but Allâh desires (for you) the Hereafter. And Allâh is All-Mighty, All-Wise. 
  • 47:4. So, when you meet (in fight Jihâd in Allâh's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives). Thereafter (is the time) either for generosity (i.e. free them without ransom), or ransom (according to what benefits Islâm), until the war lays down its burden. Thus [you are ordered by Allâh to continue in carrying out Jihâd against the disbelievers till they embrace Islâm (i.e. are saved from the punishment in the Hell-fire) or at least come under your protection], but if it had been Allâh's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allâh, He will never let their deeds be lost, 


    Surely those imperatives must be outdated, no longer applicable. Unfortunately, the Qur'an is perfected and final. Jihad continues to the last day.
  • Sunan Abu Dawud Book 14, Number 2526

        Narrated Anas ibn Malik:

        The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Three things are the roots of faith: to refrain from (killing) a person who utters, "There is no god but Allah" and not to declare him unbeliever whatever sin he commits, and not to excommunicate him from Islam for his any action; and jihad will be performed continuously since the day Allah sent me as a prophet until the day the last member of my community will fight with the Dajjal (Antichrist). The tyranny of any tyrant and the justice of any just (ruler) will not invalidate it. One must have faith in Divine decree.

Gates of Paradise  

    The gates of Paradise won't swing open for Muslims until they fight and kill the last Jew.  Two elements are combined in this hadith: genocide & continuity.
  • Sahih Muslim Book 041, Number 6985:
    Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews. [See also: Sahih Bukhari 4.52.177]

Constant & continuous

    Hedaya informed us that jihad is undertaken on Islamic initiative. It also informs us that jihad must not be stopped. 
  • Marginal note: pg 153
    • War must be carried on against the Infidels, at all times, by some party of the Muslims. 

Most Muslims Don't believe in jihad

    Isn't that wonderful. Most Muslims don't believe in or practice jihad. Are they Muslims or not?  What must Muslims do first and foremost?
  • obey Allâh and His Messenger
    • Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allâh
Are they Muslims or not? Do they obey Allah or not? Do they obey Moe or not?  Of course not! They pick and choose what they want from the Qur'an. Yeah, right.
  • 2:85. After this, it is you who kill one another and drive out a party of you from their homes, assist (their enemies) against them, in sin and transgression. And if they come to you as captives, you ransom them, although their expulsion was forbidden to you. Then do you believe in a part of the Scripture and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment. And Allâh is not unaware of what you do. 

personal penalty

    What will Allah do to the Muslim who shirks jihad; who neither fights, prays for victory, spreads propaganda nor supports it financially?
  • 9:38. O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to march forth in the Cause of Allâh (i.e. Jihâd) you cling heavily to the earth? Are you pleased with the life of this world rather than the Hereafter? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter.

    9:39. If you march not forth, He will punish you with a painful torment and will replace you by another people, and you cannot harm Him at all, and Allâh is Able to do all things. 

  • 61:10. O You who believe! Shall I guide you to a commerce that will save you from a painful torment.

    61:11.  That you believe in Allâh and His Messenger (Muhammad ), and that you strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allâh with your wealth and your lives, that will be better for you, if you but know! 

communal penalty

    If Muslims abandon jihad in favor of agriculture or commerce, Allah will make disgrace to prevail over them and not withdraw the curse until they return to their "original religion".
  • Sunan Abu Dawud Book 23, Number 3455:

    Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:

    I heard the Apostle of Allah, (peace_be_upon_him) say: When you enter into the inah transaction, hold the tails of oxen, are pleased with agriculture, and give up conducting jihad (struggle in the way of Allah). Allah will make disgrace prevail over you, and will not withdraw it until you return to your original religion.

Jihad is their "original religion". You say that Muslims have a right to "practice their religion".  You said that Muslims have a right to wage war against us. You are a traitor and a damned fool. Take a clear eyed look at the legal definition of jihad. It is not struggle with ego, it is warfare against us.
  • Chapter O9.0: Jihad

    (O: Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self (nafs), which is why the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said as he was returning from jihad.

    ``We have returned from the lesser jihad to the greater jihad.''

    The scriptural basis for jihad, prior to scholarly consensus (def: b7) is such Koranic verses as:

    -1- ``Fighting is prescribed for you'' (Koran 2:216);

    -2- ``Slay them wherever you find them'' (Koran 4:89);

    -3- ``Fight the idolators utterly'' (Koran 9:36);

    and such hadiths as the one related by Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:

    ``I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and perform the prayer, and pay zakat. If they say it, they have saved their blood and possessions from me, except for the rights of Islam over them. And their final reckoning is with Allah'';

    and the hadith reported by Muslim,

    ``To go forth in the morning or evening to fight in the path of Allah is better than the whole world and everything in it.''Details concerning jihad are found in the accounts of the military expeditions of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), including his own martial forays and those on which he dispatched others. The former consist of the ones he personally attended, some twenty-seven (others say twenty-nine) of them. He fought in eight of them, and killed only one person with his noble hand, Ubayy ibn Khalaf, at the battle of Uhud. On the latter expeditions he sent others to fight, himself remaining at Medina, and these were forty-seven in number.)

Fighting, praying or paying

    If Muslims ain't engaged in jihad, praying for victory over us or supporting it with tongue and pen, they are paying for it.  Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. One eighth of zakat must be paid to those "fighting in Allah's cause". Zakat  of 2.5% is levied on income, accumulated wealth and financial transactions. What was that Holy Land Foundation trial about??
  • H8.17: Those Fighting for Allah

    The seventh category is those fighting for Allah, meaning people engaged in Islamic military operations for whom no salary has been allotted in the army roster (O: but who are volunteers for jihad without remuneration).  They are given enough to suffice them for the operation, even if affluent; of weapons, mounts, clothing, and expenses (O: for the duration of the journey, round trip, and the time they spend there, even if prolonged. Though nothing has been mentioned here of the expense involved in supporting such people's families during this period, it seems clear that they should also be given it).

Peaceful Practice   of Islam

    Its the ultimate oxymoron. Islam is submission; obedience to Allah; emulation of Moe. What did Allah command? What did Moe do? What did Moe say about those imperatives? What did he say about the duration of jihad? What is the original religion of Islam? What is Islamic law on Jihad? What does the caliph do? Why?? 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cain Strikes Out

Herman Cain waffled, hit a foul ball and struck out. The most recent event being a summit meeting with Muslims at a mosque in Virginia. The subsequent statement by Cain cost him any hope of gaining my support for his candidacy. Thanks and a tip of the hat to Weasel Zippers.

While I stand by my opposition to the interference of shariah law into the American legal system, I remain humble and contrite for any statements I have made that might have caused offense to Muslim Americans and their friends. I am truly sorry for any comments that may have betrayed my commitment to the U.S. Constitution and the freedom of religion guaranteed by it. Muslims, like all Americans, have the right to practice their faith freely and peacefully.

    What is wrong with that? First, kissing Islam's ass. Presidents need courage, they can not afford to be in fear of anyone. Humility & contrition are not Presidential characteristics. Anyone who rejects imposition or insinuation of Shari'ah must not apologize for it if he hopes to have my respect.

    Second, but of greater importance: the supposed 'right to practice' Islam "freely and peacefully". Only an ignorant damned fool  or a liar will utter that expression.  There is no right to conquer. There is no right to pillage. There is no right to rape. There is no right to extort. There is no right to prey upon the human race. All of those wrongs are intrinsic to  & inseverable from the foundational core of Islam.

    Who has "Muslim faith"?  Who practices "Muslim faith"?  Believers. What do believers do?

  • 9:111. Verily, Allâh has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allâh's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. It is a promise in truth which is binding on Him in the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) and the Qur'ân. And who is truer to his covenant than Allâh? Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success .
    • Indeed God has purchased from the believers their lives and their possessions, that they expend it in obedience of Him — for example by striving in His way — so that theirs will be [the reward of] Paradise: they shall fight in the way of God and they shall kill and be killed (this sentence is independent and constitutes an explication of the [above-mentioned] ‘purchase’; a variant reading has the passive verb come first [sc. fa-yuqtalūna wa-yaqtulūn, ‘they shall be killed and shall kill’], meaning that some of them are killed while those who remain, fight on); that is a promise which is binding (both [wa‘dan, ‘promise’, and haqqan, ‘binding’] are verbal nouns, and are in the accusative on account of their omitted [implicit] verbs) upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān; and who fulfils his covenant better than God?, that is, no one is better in fulfilling it. Rejoice then (there is a shift from the third [to second] person here) in this bargain of yours which you have made, for that, bargain, is the supreme triumph, the one that secures the ultimate goal. [Tafsir al-Jalalayn]
    What is "Allah's cause?  It is global domination.

  • 9:33. It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad ) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islâm), to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh) hate (it).
    • He it is Who has sent His Messenger, Muhammad (s), with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may manifest it, make it prevail, over every religion, all the religions which oppose it, even though the disbelievers be averse, to this.[Tafsir Ibn Abbas]
    • Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 3, Number 125:

      Narrated Abu Musa:

      A man came to the Prophet and asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What kind of fighting is in Allah's cause? (I ask this), for some of us fight because of being enraged and angry and some for the sake of his pride and haughtiness." The Prophet raised his head (as the questioner was standing) and said, "He who fights so that Allah's Word (Islam) should be superior, then he fights in Allah's cause."

    Waging war against disbelievers is a "religious obligation", fard al-kifaya, binding upon all eligible Muslims until a sufficient number have performed it. The obligation must be performed "in every year". That link is to a passage in Reliance of the Traveller; Islamic law. When you have read it, scroll up to O9.0 to read the legal definition of jihad, then scroll down to O9.8 to see how it is implemented.

    Islam is inseverable; Muslims can not pick and choose from the Qur'an, they must obey and perform all of it.

2:85. After this, it is you who kill one another and drive out a party of you from their homes, assist (their enemies) against them, in sin and transgression. And if they come to you as captives, you ransom them, although their expulsion was forbidden to you. Then do you believe in a part of the Scripture and reject the rest? Then what is the recompense of those who do so among you, except disgrace in the life of this world, and on the Day of Resurrection they shall be consigned to the most grievous torment. And Allâh is not unaware of what you do.

    "Fight those who"..."until"...; ""I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah.'  Nobody who asserts that can be performed "peacefully" will get my vote.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Awl Pierces Breivik, Skewering Geller, Spencer and Others

Abe Sauer , posted at the Awl, what he obviously thinks is a sharp attack upon  authors, speakers & bloggers who expose the core doctrines of Islam to public scrutiny.  Lets take a closer look.

After years of ratcheted-up rhetoric, it was only a matter of time before some right-winger deduced to take what he saw as the natural next step.

    In 1995, President Clinton tried to blame McVeigh's OKC bombing on Rush Limbaugh.  But Rush never suggested that anyone should blow up a federal office building or otherwise engage in militant rebellion.  The accusation was  a completely unwarranted by facts and logic.   Six years later, LibTards employ the same tired tactic against Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and others who expose Islam. 

    "Only a matter of time": a cause--effect relationship is postulated where none exists.  The rational critics of Islam are neither ordering nor inciting bombings & shooting sprees.  They are publishing relevant facts and logical observations on those facts. If Geller or Spencer had suggested or demanded vigilantism, Sauer would be dancing around the may pole chortling with glee about it. He ain't because they didn't.

    "Some right winger": In 1964 it was all about cries of "right wing" & "extremism".  No logical or factual argument was levied against Goldwater because none was possible.  No logical or factual argument is possible against Geller & Spencer; instead, the LibTards resort to argumentum ad hominem.  Loaded words don't cut the mustard.

    There is often a difference between the apparent target and the real objective. The present case is exemplary. Eventually, Sauer gets down to his real target.

Bachmann has long cozied to anti-Muslim activists, understanding that the passion behind their single-issue support makes noise for candidates. As a presidential candidate, she signed the anti-Sharia pledge, which won her praise with the likes of bloggers like Robert Spencer, author of Jihad Watch, a blog cited numerous times by Breivik as inspirational.

    Presidential politics is not incidental to the matter, it is central; this is a direct smear aimed at one of the leading contenders for the '12 Republican nomination.  How does one grapple with loaded phrases such as  "cozied to" ?  "Anti-Muslim activists" are assumed to be the focus of evil in the modern world, without factual or logical basis for the assumption.  First Sauer smears Geller & spencer, next he associates a presidential aspirent with them to smear her. 

    "Cited numerous times by Breivik as inspirational": Breivik obtained information from Spencer's writings, not inspiration. Inspiration comes from exemplars, not teachers.  It is obvious that Breivik's inspiration comes from McVeigh's bomb technology and Muslim terrorists' numerous shooting attacks.

In his manifesto, Breivik recommended both Geller and Spencer for guidance.

    If he was guided by Geller & Spencer, Breivik would have confined his activities to education & lobbying, avoiding violence.  He obtained factual information from them, but not guidance.

    Observe the flow of loaded words in this excerpt.

Even more mainstream writers are tied to the populist vilification of Islam. The National Review now regularly partners with the topic, as its reader base longs for more information on the impending threat of America's Islamification. National Review writer Andrew McCarthy put his name on a book called "Shariah: The Threat to America."

"Populist vilification":  the pot calls the kettle black.  As more people become informed of Islam's core doctrines & practices, the movement grows. It is popular, not populist.  This is not about a contest between the elite and uninformed mobs, it is a contest between the self-anointed   elite deceivers and an increasingly informed segment of the electorate, a segment of which the elite are becoming increasingly afraid. 

    "Mainstream" is not a term LibTards use to describe The National Review, instead, they would label it "right wing  extremist".  Andrew McCarthy was a federal prosecutor who built the case against the Sheikh behind the first WTC attack. He found it necessary to study the Qur'an & hadith in building his case.  Because he learned what Shari'ah really is, from the original sources, he is smeared as a populist engaged in vilification of Islam. 

    Observe how the language is perverted in the next excerpt.

In Tennessee, the law even defines Sharia as "a legal-political-military doctrinal system." Lawmakers said the bill was necessary to prevent "homegrown terror," which would be funny today if it were not tragic.

    Terrorism is a doctrine and practice of Islam, enshrined in the Qur'an and exemplified by Moe's sunnah.  Home grown or imported, terrorism is terrorism. As used by the proponents of anti-Shari'ah legislation, terrorism refers to Islamic terrorism.  Breivik is home grown, and a terrorist inspired by his enemy's example.

    Terrorism is a battle tactic: a means of weakening their victims; rendering them incapable of mounting an effective defense.  "Casting terror into the hearts" of disbelievers is sanctified in the Qur'an, particularly in 3:151 & 8:12. Moe and Allah said that they would cast terror. Then, in 33:26 & 59:2, they said that they cast terror and described the results: death, enslavement and dispossession of disbelievers.  Moe said that he was made victorious with terror, in Sahih Bukhari 1.7.331 & 4.52.220.

    Shari'ah is an all encompassing set of rules for the guidance of all Muslims at all times, in all places. It codifies Allah's imperatives and Moe's exemplary conduct. 

    Shari'ah tells Muslims how to purify themselves and pray. it tells them how to bury their dead. Big deal; that harms nobody except the deluded Muslims. It also governs marriage and divorce. it gives the father of a pre-pubescent virgin the right to marry her off without her consent.  Doubters & dissenters should dig into Book M of Reliance of the Traveller and read M3.13

    Shari'ah is supposed to be about family matters, totally innocuous. Is marriage a family matter? Is divorce a family matter?  Reliance of the Traveller, Book N. treats of divorce. In the previous paragraph, I linked to a provision of Shari'ah which permits a father to compel his minor virgin daughter to marry the man of his choice at the time of his choice.  Should pre-pubescent girls be married and divorced?  Knowing that I will not be believed, I present objective evidence.


A waiting period is obligatory for a woman divorced after intercourse, whether the husband and wife are prepubescent, have reached puberty, or one has and the other has not.

Intercourse means copulation (def: n7.7).  If the husband was alone with her but did not copulate with her, and then divorced her, there is no waiting period.

    Shari'ah provides for the marriage and divorce of girls who have not yet reached puberty.  By the way, divorce is effected by repeating "I divorce you" three times.  LibTards oppose laws barring Shari'ah from our courts and mock us for proposing them.   

    Shari'ah is all about innocuous matters; prayer, charity, funerals, marriage & divorce.  Yeah, right.  Reliance of the Traveller, Book O treats of "justice". Its ninth chapter begins with the legal definition of jihad: to wage war against disbelievers.  It also prescribes the "religious obligation" to perform jihad, against disbelievers peacefully minding their own business in their own countries: "meaning upon the Muslims each year"

    What does the caliph do about that obligation? "The caliph (o25) makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians ". "The caliph fights all other peoples until they become Muslim "  Of course, Shari'ah is innocuous & anodyne, lets enshrine it in our courts.  Yeah, right. 

    Is there any end to loaded language?

The anti-Muslim sentiment that in its extreme bred Norway's shooter has only manifested so far in the U.S. in individual assaults and community "incidents"—such as the one in February in Yorba Linda, California, where a Muslim relief organization with perceived ties to terrorism was protested by attendees waving American flags and yelling "terrorist go home" to women and children.

"Anti-Muslim sentiment"  "bred Norway's shooter".  None but his progenitors bred  Breivik; actions are not dictated by sentiments. Knowing that Islam is a predatory institution which poses a clear, proximate and persistent existential threat is not a license to kill.  "Perceived ties to terrorism"; " 1. Allah made me victorious by awe, (by His frightening my enemies) for a distance of one month's journey. "  "I have been made victorious with terror ". Who tied Islam to terrorism? 

    Yes, it gets worse, much worse. Observe the egregious hypocrisy exemplified in the final excerpt.

Lost on nobody, in condemning the acts, right wing radicals in the U.S. and Norway sounded exactly like the Muslim community they so suspect—"We never advocate violence" is parroted by many, who then blame violent acts on lone, misled members of their ideology. (Familiar story.)

    Violence: genocidal global conquest using terror as a battle tactic is an intrinsic part of the core of Islam, exemplified by its founder.  LibTards and other ignorant fools have not read the Noble Qur'an, specifically Surahs Al-Anfal & At-Taubah, which contain the jihad imperatives.  The exemplification is contained in the Jihad & Expedition books of Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud  & Malik's Muwatta.   

    According to Allah, believers sell their lives & wealth to him, fight in his cause, killing others and being killed; in return for which he admits them to Paradise.   Allah threatens those who refuse to join the jihad with painful torment. Allah promises victory to those who fight, along with admission to Paradise. Allah promises a reward for any step taken to injure or enrage disbelievers.

    Kindly find the New Testament functional equivalents of 3:151, 8:12, 57, 60, 65, 67, 9:5, 29, 30, 111, 120, 123, 33:26, 27, 47:4, 49:15 59:2, 15 & Sahih Bukhari 4.52.220. I mean explicit commands, threats, promises & boasts, not parables.  Show me or quit trying to deflect criticism of Islam with argumentum Tu-Quoque.