Hedaya 2.140 Annotated

Hedaya 2.141 Annotated

Preserve the First Amendment from Attack by the OIC!

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Facebook Advocacy

An old post about a Muslim boycott of Facebook  demanding the  deletion of the Koran Toilet Paper Roll group still gets hits more than half a year after the boycott.  The group was pulled down, briefly restored and permanently deleted.

.Now two new pages have been created.  Everybody Burn Quran Day rapidly grew to 1974 followers.  It is evident that a fair proportion of those followers are Muslims who joined  so that they could comment on the wall posts.  The discussion threads have also been spammed by Muslims.

    Their plan is to commemorate the accursed abomination by burning  Qur'ans on September 11.  I hope that everyone will read it before burning it.  Only by reading the Qur'an can we discover the evil  enshrined between its covers.

    Several of their wall posts promote another new page:  I bet this 'Toilet paper' can get more fans than 'The Quran' which has 737 followers. Their wall is full of insulting, obscene and antisemitic statements and images posted by Muslims.

    International Burn A Koran Day, sponsored by the Dove World Church,  has 1740 followers.  Its wall is littered with Islamic graffiti.   This one is certain to increase in controversy as the summer heats up.

    Islamophobia  appears to be a new page with only 11 followers. Its name would lead one to expect  criticism of Islam's critics. Instead, the avatar is a photo of violent Islamic protest signs.  The wall posts include a video calling for termination of Islamic immigration  and another about the recent arrest of Christian missionaries in Dearborn.

    Against Islamophobia Worldwide (AIW) with 2727 members, appears to be tightly policed; I did not see any anti-Islamic postings on their wall.  When I clicked the Older Posts link at the bottom of the page, I found two posts advocating boycotting Israel. One more click lead to these wall posts. Click them to view full size images.

Evidently my guess about banning dissenters was correct, and they want another group I like to be "erased" .

   NO TO THE MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO has 60,240 supporters. I am one of  them because the planned Mosque is a symbol of Islamic triumph & supremacy.

    Come now, and let us reason together is a new group dedicated to rational exchange, without mindless bashing. It has grown to 63 members including two Muslims. 


Ema Nymton said...

Ali Ben Ali Mohammad Abdul Scumbag,
"SandMaggots are Muslims"

While we are burning old trash how about joining the "Burn The Confederate Flag" day on 12 September?

This ought to be good fun.

Why do you hate USA, its freedoms, and tolerance of peaceful coexistence?

Ema Nymton

Ben said...

How do you get internet access in the asylum, Ema?

Ema Nymton said...

Ali Ben Ali Mohammad Abdul Scumbag,
"SandMaggots are Muslims"

"How do you get internet access in the asylum, Ema?"

I pose no threat to citizens of USA.

Why do you hate USA, its freedoms, and tolerance of peaceful coexistence?

Ema Nymton