Hedaya 2.140 Annotated

Hedaya 2.141 Annotated

Preserve the First Amendment from Attack by the OIC!

Friday, March 02, 2018

Facebook Censorship: Muslims Are Slaves Of Satan!

Facebook Censorship! Someone commented in a Disqus thread: "It is a bad time to be a Muslim."  I replied and shared my reply on Facebook. This was the result.

    Website comments and Facebook  shares are not good places for writing books. And why reinvent the wheel?  If anyone objected, they could click through and respond on Disqus and I would gladly document the part the object to.   Instead, they resorted to censorship.


    It is the worst time to be a slave of Satan! Muslim = slave of Satan. The Hilali/Lhan translation of the Qur'an includes 3 surahs mentioning "slave of Allah"
  • 2:23. And if you (Arab pagans, Jews, and Christians) are in doubt concerning that which We have sent down (i.e. the Qur'ân) to Our slave (Muhammad Peace be upon him ), then produce a Sûrah (chapter) of the like thereof and call your witnesses (supporters and helpers) besides Allâh, if you are truthful.
  • 19:30. "He ['Iesa (Jesus)] said: Verily! I am a slave of Allâh, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet;"

  • 19:93. There is none in the heavens and the earth but comes unto the Most Beneficent (Allâh) as a slave.

    If Moe was Allah's slave, Jesus is Allah's slave and there is none on earth who is not his slave, then, Muslim what are you? You are Allah's slave. And who is Allah?

of Satan

    Muslims are brainwashed to believe that Allah = Jehovah. It ain't true! The facts recorded in the Qur'am hadith and Sira are fatal to the falacy.  I documented them here:
    Moe said that he does not worship what you worship. He told Alllah, in case of his defeat at Badr, he'd never again be worshiped. If the Christians of Yemen and Egypt worshiped Allah, that threat would be void. Who then? At Badr, he preyed for the caravan "as a prey" At every ghazwat, he prayed to the "Lord Of  the Devils"; who might that be?

    In the cave of Hira, Moe believed he was squeezed by the devil, possessed or going mad. He received revelations through "the musical instrument of Satan". he had "an attachment of devils".  And the facts are documented in the two pdf files linked above!

Canonical Books

    And I posted links to them. The link to Relince is broken, the others should be good. Anyone with intenet access can obtain those books. I did, and I quoted and linked to them in my post about the hijab.

predators & prey

    The proof is in Islamic law: Hedaa, the guidance of the Hanafi madhab, used by the Ottoman Empire. Infidels may be attacked without provocation. The ostensible purpose of Jihad is Allah's good pleasure. The real objective is plunder. The facts are clear on the face of the text: vol. 2, pages 141, 144, 145 & 214. Read'em and weep!
    No attack here, just statements of fact found in Islam's canonical texts! LibTards object to exhibition of the facts.  They lack facts, having only raw emotions and maundery, they can not debate in an open forum.


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