Hedaya 2.140 Annotated

Hedaya 2.141 Annotated

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Solving the Islam Problem: Slave Revolt

I am a Muslim But I don't Hate the Great America   By King Nazir Muhammad comes to us through News Blaze.

One Muslim who loves America because of its freedom & prosperity is not proof that all Muslims love America. Implying that it does involves over generalization.

Muslims that live in the middle-east cannot enjoy financial freedom the way it is enjoyed here.

    There is a reason why Muslims in Arabia can not enjoy liberty and prosperity: Islam and tyranny. If enough Muslims emigrate here, they will bring those troubles with them as they are doing in Europe.  The solution to their problem is not emigration, it is revolution.  In 1776, our founders did something unprecedented, they removed the ancient regime and replaced it with a representative republic with enumerated powers specified by a written constitution.  They outlawed theocracy and installed liberty. In doing so, they pledged their lives, fortunes and honors; many lost everything.  They planted the tree of liberty and watered it with their blood.

    If Muslims want liberty and prosperity, they must first shed the shackles of slavery. Allah's slaves are not free, they wear Allah's yoke and are compelled to follow his rules in every aspect of life.  The first prerequisite is apostasy. 

    The second prerequisite is no less life shaking or risky. They can not remain enslaved to patriarchal, military or feudal regimes and be free and prosperous.  In most cases,  violent revolution will fail.  Genuine regime opponents, seeking to remove, not supplant the regimes, need to  unify, multiply, and work within the political system to reform it. Change will be incremental, slow, and not immune to reversals.

    Indigenous Muslims need to begin studying economics, political science and comparative government.  To be successful, they must adopt what works in other systems and carefully reject that which leads to failure.  The horrific errors made by Afghanistan & Iraq should provide negative guidance.

I know that 9/11 slandered the reputation of Muslims in the eyes of Americans. But terrorists don't represent all Muslims.I am not one of them.

    Islam had a negative image in the perception of John Q. Adams and other American founders.  Our navy developed as a result of attacks by the Barbary Pirates.  It is reality, not image or reputation that is important.  While terrorists may not represent all Muslims, they represent Islam, obeying Allah and emulating Muhammad. Open your Qur'an and read Surah Al-Anfal 12, 57 & 60. Then turn to Surah Al-Ahzab 26-27. Turn next to Sahih Bukhari Volume 4,  Book 52, Number 220.   The problem is that Islam is an inseverable, take it or leave it package; refer to Surah Ar-Ra'd 36.  If you loathe terrorism, you must disassociate from Islam to avoid being a part of it.

Yes Islam is a radical religion and needs to be reformed.

    Islam is not radical, it is a violent predator, by design. If reformed, it would cease to be Islam.  Unfortunately, it can not be reformed. How do you reform perfection?  How do you reform a scripture and system that is fixed and immutable?  Reformers would like to strip conquest, genocide & terrorism from the Qur'an.  But Muhammad said that those who try it will be far, far from mercy .  He also said that if you abandon jihad as a way of life, that you will be cursed until you return to it.

If I have the power to ban Islam, I would change our radical beliefs.

    Unfortunately, you can do neither. You don't have the power to ban Islam, and you can change only your own beliefs. Can you, as a confirmed lover of freedom, inspire other Muslims with that same love, and convince them of the existential conflict between Islam and freedom?  If you can do that, perhaps you can ignite the spark of liberty and send it burning through the Ummah.